Patricia, Katie, and Jonathon

Survey of Computers in Elementary Schools (
ICE 234)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Christy Keeler, Ph.D.

Course Homepage
Course Syllabus
Course Outline
Training Videos


Lesson Plan:
Lesson Planning

Students will:
  • Identify 21st century skills.
  • Describe and recognize the importance of planning, curriculum, instruction, and assessment in elementary education.
  • Identify basic components of lessons.
  • Conceive rudimentary lesson plans using concept mapping software.
NETS-T Standards:

1A. Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
2E. Teachers plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
3A. Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
5C. Teachers apply technology to increase productivity.


Individually greet students, take attendance, review student names, and have any remaining students complete the student roster.

Sponge Activity: Lesson Plan of 21st Century Skills (20 minutes)

Hand every three students a lesson plan opening activity sheet. Give them 15 minutes to work with each other to prepare a lesson to teach their classmates about 21st Century Skills. They can plan to teach anything they learned from their reading (e.g., an overview, where the skills originated, why they are important, what they are, how to implement them). They should fill out the lesson plan worksheet with their plan.

Opening (5 minutes)

Have students put their lesson plan opening activity worksheets aside. They will revisit them later in the lesson.
  • Announce daily outline.
  • Announce daily objectives
Group Work: 21st Century Skills Lesson Plans (10 minutes)

Have students get in groups of six including two pairs from the opening activity. Each pair will share their lesson plans with the other two pairs. The instructor should circulate to see what students created.

Call students together and review 21st Century Skills using students’ lesson plans.

Lecture: How Do Teachers Prepare to Teach? (10 minutes) – see lecture slides; hear audio
  • Identify critical aspects of teaching: curriculum, instruction, and assessment/evaluation.
  • Define "assessment/evaluation” differentiating between formative and summative assessment.
  • Demonstrate lesson planning conception stages using Inspiration (see example).
Guided Practice: Lesson Conception (25 minutes)

Have students work in triads using Inspiration’s outline tool to conceive a basic lesson. They will begin by selecting a curricular objective from the CCSD CEF. In their concept map, they will describe what they will teach, how they will teach it, and how they will assess student learning. They will conceive of the three-part, five-minute lecture-based lesson using Inspiration.

When complete, have students add their names to their concept maps, print one copy for the instructor, and email their maps to each team member (to save for their e-portfolios).

Closure (5 minutes)
  • Review daily objectives and outline.
  • Assign readings.
  • Hand out and describe Lesson Plan I and Lesson Plan Slideshow assignment.
    • Note that students will not use the same lesson conceived during today’s class session for this assignment. Their lesson idea must be wholly their own, but based on the CCSD CEF objectives for either language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies.
    • Students will learn more about how to write-up lesson plans in the next class session so should focus on the conception phase between now and the next session.

Absence Requirements:
  1. Prepare a rough lesson plan for 21st century skills using the opening activity lesson plan worksheet.
  2. Review this lesson plan and view the lecture slides, audio, and video.
  3. Communicate with a colleague in class who will allow you to join their lesson plan group at the beginning of the next class period.

©2007 Christy Keeler