Patricia, Katie, and Jonathon

Survey of Computers in Elementary Schools (
ICE 234)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Christy Keeler, Ph.D.

Course Homepage
Course Syllabus
Course Outline
Training Videos


Lesson Plan:

Students will:
  • Describe major uses of spreadsheet applications and utilize basic features of spreadsheets.
  • Identify means of using spreadsheets to enhance elementary-level mathematics instruction.
  • Students will utilize social bookmarking to effectively locate topically-related websites.
NETS-T Standards:

1A. Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
3A. Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
3B. Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
3C. Teachers apply technology to develop students’ higher-order thinking skills and creativity.


Provide each student with a plate and tube of M&Ms. Remind each that it is critical that no food is left on the floor. Tell students to not open their tubes until instructed to do so.

Sponge Activity: Estimation and Research (10 minutes)

Have students estimate and write down the number of each color of M&Ms they anticipate they will have in their tube. Then, instruct them to open a browser, go to a search engine, and begin researching M&M minis. Have them identify the number of M&Ms they would expect to find in a tube of M&M minis based on the company ratio. Also have them record expected percentages by color. Have students assist each other until all students have located the expected percentages.

Opening (5 minutes)

Announce daily outline.
Announce daily objectives.

Demonstration: Spreadsheets (20 minutes) – see lecture slides and video

Explain what the Microsoft Office Suite contains (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet Explorer, Outlook). Differentiate between companies and the products they develop. Define application/program and explain extensions (e.g., .doc, .xls, .kpx, .ins)

Demonstrate Explorer and social bookmarking by using Delicious to search for a spreadhseet lesson plan involving M&Ms.  Provide an example of a kindergarten student's activity sheet to accompany this lesson plan. Explain that it is possible to add font types to systems and use Yahoo! (a search engine not yet used in this class) to demonstrate searching for a website providing downloadable free fonts.

Demonstrate Excel features (see example):
  • Entering data (including row/column titles)
  • Changing view of data (font, color, cell fill, alignment)
  • Changing cell sizes
  • Specifying print size
  • Inputting and executing formulae and functions
  • Fill down/across
  • Changing decimal values
  • Adding/modifying graphs/charts
    • Selecting appropriate graphs/charts to match purpose of visual display
    • Adding/modifying legends
    • Adding/modifying titles
    • Formatting graphs/charts
  • Adding headers
  • Hyperlinking text
Guided Practice: M&M Spreadsheet (35 minutes)

Show students the research results for the expected number of M&M's in a tube of M&M minis. Explain that the Internet search methods used at the beginning of class are forms of Internet research and that teachers should teach students how to safely use these sites and cite websites they use.

Remind students of the processes in the scientific method. Explain that they will prove or disprove their original hypotheses of the estimated number of M&Ms in a tube of M&M minis by collecting data. To ensure unconfounded data and move toward the central limit theorem, students will work independently, but use a collection of five data samples by sharing their data with their group members. To prove or disprove their hypotheses, students will:
  1. Each separate and count their individual M&Ms by color.
  2. Share their data with all their group members.
  3. Utilize a spreadhseet application, Excel, to record the data for all individuals in their group and visually display their findings with a chart.
Explain that we will utilize a pie chart for this exercise, but their data and the purpose of the visual display must match the graph/chart type for their spreadsheet assignment. Encourage students to visit for more information about appropriate selection of graphs/charts.

Separate students into groups of five using an Excel random number generator and have them begin working.

Provide a visual example of the finalized product on a lecture slide.

When students complete their assignment, have them save their work for their e-portfolios and help other students complete their assignments.

Ask students:
  • Would your students enjoy this activity? (Discuss learning styles that include student needs to eat while learning.)
  • What precautions would you need to take before assigning this activity to students?
  • How could you use spreadsheets to reinforce or have students learn content?
Closing (5 minutes)
  • Review daily outline and objectives.
  • No readings for next session.
  • Assign spreadsheet assignment and remind students to use the Spreadsheet Lesson Evaluation Form.
    • Students will turn in a hard copy of the Word document (based on the online form)
    • In addition, students will turn in an electronic copy of the Excel document via WebCampus using the title: YourLastName_SpreadsheetExample.xls
  • Remind students it is imperative no M&Ms end up on the floor since no food is allowed in this lab. We have special permission to have food just for this activity.

Absence Requirements
  1. Review this lesson plan, the lecture slides, and the associated materials and video.
  2. Create a spreadsheet replicating the above example. You may use data existing within the example, but you must use functions or formulae for all matermatical operations (as opposed to just typing in the answers). Send an electronic copy of this spreadsheet, including the date of the absence.

©2007 Christy Keeler, Ph.D