Patricia, Katie, and Jonathon

Survey of Computers in Elementary Schools (
ICE 234)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Christy Keeler, Ph.D.

Course Homepage
Course Syllabus
Course Outline
Training Videos

Lesson Plan:

Students will:
  • Display competent use of the K-W-L learning strategy.
  • Identify steps of the writing process.
  • Describe millennials.
  • Be able to develop a concept map using basic features of Inspiration software.
NETS-T Standards:

1A. Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
3B. Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
3C. Teachers apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity.
5D. Teachers use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
6D. Teachers promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.


Stand at the door to individually greet students, take attendance, take student pictures (if not taken the previous meeting), and learn students’ names. Have students record their personal information in the course roster if they were unable to do this the previous session.

Sponge Activity: K-W-L of “Digital Kids” (5 minutes)

Instruct students to take the first few minutes of class to fill in the “K” and “W” columns of the “K-W-L” handout as the columns relate to the “Digital Kids” article. Ask them to think about and write down what they know after reading the article and what they would still like to know. Students should work independently.

Opening (5 minutes)
  • Announce the daily objectives.
  • Announce the daily outline.
  • Show students the "Your Baby Started School Today" flyer and "The Kissing Hand" activity. Describe how even simple uses of technology can assist teachers in creating professional products.
Demonstration (15 minutes)
Group Work: K-W-L (10 minutes)

Have students sit in triads and review what they learned (the “K” column) from the article “Digital Tools for Digital Kids.” Then ask them to share their questions (from the “W” column) with each other and try to answer each other’s questions.

Call the class together and ask each group to report on some of the items they discussed and to list their still unanswered questions. Have one student write these questions on the board.

Lecture (20 minutes) - See lecture slides; hear audio
  • Define “elementary.”
  • Describe the “millennial generation.”
  • Ask students which of their questions (from those on the board) are still unanswered. Write these down and let students know you will email them with answers to these questions or explain the answers later in the course.
Review/Demonstration: Concept Mapping (15 minutes) – see video notes
  • Define “concept map.”
  • Demonstrate brainstorming features of Inspiration while identifying common traits of elementary-level millennials (see example). Cover the following features of Inspiration:
  • Main idea
  • Rapid fire
  • Symbol picture, color
  • Font size, color, style
  • Link color, text
  • Arrange and move symbols, multiple select and drag
  • Outline (add/delete topics and subtopics, move topics, indent)
  • View size
Closure (5 minutes)
  • Review daily objectives and outline.
  • Assign readings and quiz.
  • Remind students to keep back-ups of all documents (from this and other courses) they feel they may want to later include in their e-portfolios. Demonstrate how to do this within NetStorage.
  • Remind students the Technology Journey I – Edits are due when finished, no later than 8 AM PST before the next class session. Students will submit the edited drafts to the Assignment Dropbox.
  • Remind students there is a video of the Inspiration demonstration completed this lesson available online from the course outline.

©2007 Christy Keeler