Patricia, Katie, and Jonathon

Survey of Computers in Elementary Schools (ICE 234)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Christy Keeler, Ph.D.

Course Homepage
Course Syllabus
Course Outline
Training Videos


Lesson Plan:
The Internet I


Students will:
  • Competently describe the Internet and use it to effectively obtain educational tools and materials.
  • Suggest methods of using web-based resources for classroom teaching.
NETS-T Standards:

1A. Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
2B. Teachers apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
2C. Teachers identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
3A. Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
3B. Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
3C. Teachers apply technology to develop students’ higher-order thinking skills and creativity.
3D. Teachers manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
5C. Teachers apply technology to increase productivity.
6A. Teachers model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use.
6B. Teachers apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.
6D. Teachers promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.


As students enter the room, encourage them to begin their crossword puzzle (so they will not need to complete it as homework). Collect Instructional Software Evaluation Assignments.

Sponge Activity: Crossword Puzzles (20 minutes)

Students will sit at their individual computers and point their web browsers to They will then select “Criss-Cross Puzzle” from the pull-down menu. The title of their puzzle will  appropriately match their Lesson Plan I or Lesson Plan II assignment. They should maintain all other settings. [Note: Students whose lessons are for early childhood or kindergarden grades may choose to create word searches instead.]

Students will create a crossword puzzle they could use with either of their personally-developed lesson plans. There must be at least eight words in the puzzle, each with a description identifiable to students who participated in the lesson.

When students complete their puzzles, they are to save them in a Word document, add their names, print them out, handwrite the answers into the puzzle, and turn them in. They should maintain a copy for possible inclusion in their e-portfolios.

Opening (5 minutes)

Announce daily outline and objectives.

Lecture: The Internet (30 minutes) - see lecture notes; hear audio

Have all students move to the front of the room. Lecture on the following topics:
Guided Practice: Evaluating Websites (20 minutes)

Have students work in pairs. Provide each pair with a number that corresponds to the websites below. Each pair will review  a general education resource and a WebQuest for a given gade level. They will have 20 minutes to review the two sites using criteria discussed in class and from the Schrock article.

Website Assignments for Guided Practice
Sesame Street Central
On the Farm
Count Us In
Designing a Park
Kids Planet
Aquatic Adventure
Up To Ten
World Cultures
Between the Lions
Our Class Pet
NASA: Kids
For Love of the Game?
America’s Story
Planet WebQuest
Access Excellence: The Mystery Spot
Tuskegee Tragedy
Anne Frank: The Writer
A Nation Divided
Middle Level
Art Safari
Your Opinion Sells
The Moonlit Road
Rickshaw or Rowboat
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Home Improvement

Closing (5 minutes)
  • Review daily outline and objectives.
  • Inform students of reading and quiz for next session.
  • Remind students to continue working on their lesson plans and to contact me immediately if they have any questions. Selected students will be presenting their lessons to the class on that day so they must be prepared on that day.

Absence Requirements
  1. Review the lesson plan, lecture slides, and lecture audio.
  2. Create a crossword puzzle using PuzzleMaker using the instructions from the sponge activity.
  3. Review one set of websites from the guided practice section. Record your findings in a one-page paper for each website, or complete your website evaluation form for each site.

©2007 Christy Keeler