Patricia, Katie, and Jonathon

Survey of Computers in Elementary Schools (ICE 234)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Christy Keeler, Ph.D.

Course Homepage
Course Syllabus
Course Outline
Training Videos


Lesson Plan:
Student Lesson Presentations/Web Authoring II

Students will:
  • Present a technology-enhanced lesson in front of a classroom of students.
  • Evaluate technology-enhanced lessons and teacher presentations.
  • Utilize basic principles of blogging to author and publish a website for a personal teaching e-portfolio.
NETS-T Standards:

1A. Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
2B. Teachers apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
2D. Teachers plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
3A. Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
3B. Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
3C. Teachers apply technology to develop students’ higher-order thinking skills and creativity.


Before students arrive, write the names and order of today’s presenters on the board, and set-up the digital video camera to record student lesson presentations. Have all student presenters for today’s lesson prepare the teacher machine with any technology or files they will need to demonstrate their lessons.

Assign one student to run the digital camera during the presentations. Assign one student to collect presenter evaluations and one to run the timer.

Sponge Activity: Mid-Course Evaluation and Preparing Technology (5 minutes)

Students will begin by completing a two-minute mid-course evaluation. Next, they will access their NetStorage spaces. Each will create a file within their home directory titled "public_html." Additionally, show students how to access the class NetStorage space so they may retrieve files.

(5 minutes)

Announce daily outline and objectives.

Student Lesson Plan II Presentations (20 minutes)

Have all students move to the front of the room. If they are presenting, they should bring the materials they will need for the presentation and a writing utensil. If not, they will need only a writing utensil. As they do this, prepare the digital video camera.

Hand out evaluation forms (have each student take three forms) and review the evaluation process. All students will evaluate every presentation except their own. They must include at least one strength and one recommended area for improvement for each presenter. After the presentations, assign one student to pass around a basket and have all students drop in their forms. Have the assigned student write the student’s name who presented on an envelope, place all the evaluations in the envelope, seal it, and give it to the student who presented.

Have students present in the order students signed-up to present. Each student will have 5 minutes to present his/her lesson and related materials. Use the timer to ensure they do not go too long.

After each student presents, encourage all remaining students to clap and allow about one minute to ask and answer questions and write comments. After all signed-up students complete their presentations, move to the front of the room and ask students:
  • What have you liked/disliked about these lessons?
  • What do you think the presenters did well and what could they improve?
  • What elements of the lessons do you think would most motivate students and why?
Demonstration: Blog-Based Web Authoring and Publishing (30 minutes)

Review web authoring using Blogger by creating a simple wesbite. Then, demonstrate web publishing using NetStorage.

If time permits, have students begin developing their e-Portfolio template

Closing (5 minutes)
  • Review daily outline and objectives.
  • Tell students about reading and quiz for next session.
Absence Requirements
  1. Review the lesson plan and lecture slides and procure a copy of the lecture notes from a classmate. Be sure to view all associated examples and videos.
  2. Prepare your e-Portfolio template.
  3. Review videos of lesson plans from four of your classmates who presented on this day (available in NetStorage under the class group account). For each lesson plan, prepare a 2-3 sentence description of what you liked about the lesson and what could use improvement. You will give a copy to the author of the lesson plan and a copy to me.

©2007 Christy Keeler